This page is a compilation of different links that may be useful on your Self-Direction journey.

AI has taken the world by storm. Did you know that it can also be used to help individuals with I/DD? Here are some useful links.

The Frist Center for Autism and Innovation at the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering brings together leading engineers, business scholars, academic researchers, and experts in educational and clinical practice, in partnership with self-advocates and other civic stakeholders, to maximize neurodiverse talent within and into the workforce.

Your Neurodiverse child wants to learn how to drive. Let’s make this less challenging.

Autonomy Works-employment

Vote the Spectrum™

It’s time to include everyone in the voting process.

The Self Directed Support Network is a global community working to define and improve best practice in self-directed support.

Developmental Disability News and Upcoming Events with a Focus on NYS

VOR is a national, nonprofit organization advocating for high quality care and human rights for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Miracle League of Westchester’s mission is to establish and sustains baseball programs for people of all ages with disabilities. Our objective is to provide an opportunity for those individuals to experience the joy and benefits that come from playing our national pastime. Our aims are to help the league’s players develop social skills and increase self-esteem while promoting the community support and sponsorship for the league. “We believe that everyone deserves a chance to play baseball”

Breakthrough Fit Co exists to create equal opportunity to health and fitness, enhancing the lives of those with “different abilities” through a high-quality, progressive, community-based fitness program. We aim to create fun and inclusive moments, creating a positive impact on the lives of each individual.

Sensory-Friendly Screenings

This monthly series will screen a family film in a safe and accepting environment.

We are turning sound levels down and keeping the lights on low.

Sing along, leave your seat, move or talk when you need to.

Everyone is welcome.

Endorsed by the Inclusive Initiative.

Teaching Technology to Students Who Learn Differently

Tech Kids Unlimited (TKU) uses technology tools, computer science thinking, and social-emotional learning to ignite unlimited futures for neurodiverse students. Students who learn and think differently explore the creative power of tech, practice work readiness skills, and build confidence through virtual and in-person programs in a fun and supportive community.

Whether you’re looking for help to learn a new skill or simply want to boost your confidence and knowledge, there is nothing more effective than being taught by a reliable teacher. Through The Ninth Cloud, we offer services to anyone interested in New York City, connecting them with teachers in their areas, and offering the deserved personalized attention to reach and unleash the full potential of inner creativity. Music, Zumba, Yoga, Photography, Cooking, Computer skills, Chess classes.

As one of 68 University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, the Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD) is dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities and vulnerable children through professional education, direct service provision, and innovative research.

WIHD website contains a lot of information and is a great place to start to learn more about research, resources and advocacy.